A new documentary series produced by
Small town Productions
Haunted or Not is a documentary series created by Director Dan Norvell and Director of Photography Larry Eissler. This series will explore haunted locations with generations of local legends and lore to determine just how true the old stories are. In the first episode, viewers will be taken to the infamous Bloods Point Cemetery where the legends say a phantom truck chases cars down Bloods Point Road, a hellhound is spotted in the area, children will push your car across the bridge, and shadows roam the cemetery at night. At the end of each episode, viewers will have to determine themselves if they think the location is haunted and how true the legends really are.
Meet the cast and crew of Haunted or Not
Documentary Host
Miranda Young
Investigation Team - The Wisconsin Files
Executive Producer/Director
Director of Photography
CCamera Operator
Camera Operator
Location Sound Mixer
Boom Operator